Sandzhiev Dmitry
Honored painter of Russia. Academican of the Russian Academy of arts.
Masterly drawn graphic and painting works of Dmitry Sandzhiev give the possibility to take the most ordinary life situations in absolutely new light. The artist creates parallel worlds having seen in private fact or concrete event significantly more than it can be opened to ordinary imagination.
By the concrete fate of Kalmykia woman he overviewed the fate of this nation with its specific life and traditions in the series "Widow of shepherd". In plastically expressive works each plot gets a character of deep generalization, inspired "picture- memoirs".
Dmitry Sandzhiev is a master gifted with a rare capacity to see in ordinary thing - something extraordinary, in prosaic one - something unusual, in reality - fantastic. Line and touch, combination of black and white create a very inspired atmosphere. An image in an inexplicable way is taken in as a very luminiferous one. Black and white graphic acquires unique pictorial features.
In lithographies to the novel "Master and Margaret" the artist does not illustrate but interprets the author's text, some of images of the book. Phantasmagoria of M. Bulgakov fantasies is consonant to Worldview of Sandzhiev. Figurative world of the artist is filled with a lot of cats, mystery signs and made-up personages.
Graphic in the art of Sandzhiev harmoniously coexist in his painting - very bright, unpredictable, fantastic. Fantastic realism of the artist creation is consonant to cosmic humanity imagination, presentiment of parallel worlds appearance in universe. Maybe, that is why his dynamic pictures and colorful paintings have powerful energetic which involves a viewer in imaginary world anew created despite all traditional idea and conceptions.
Behind easy reading and perceiving of Sandzhiev's works you can make out significant symbolism of his created images. Standing out with his creative completeness and mystery nature in student years, the artist continues to surprise a viewer with endless figurative improvisations. Special inspiration, metaphors of his creation say about richness of his imagination absorbed in itself life experience, experience of generations that came to the artist form the depth of centuries.
![]() Triptych"Birth of Pegasus. Perseus and Medusa. Perseus and Andromeda". 105x55, 105x64, 105x55 cm. Gauze, levkas. 2008 | ![]() Triptych"Free flight. Eternal masquerade. Ups and downs". 100x63, 118x65, 106x63 cm. Gauze, levkas. 2008 |