The cozy, chamber halls of the "Wall Street Bar" that is situated across the road from The Private Collections Museum of the Pushkin State Museum, will expose 18 artworks, drawn by the artist in the last years. The paintings can be surely assessed as masterpieces of expressionist art. The canvases were created in a state of absolute freedom from any reason and laws of logic. The main creative principal is the spontaneous expression of the internal world of the artist, his subconsciousness in different physiological and emotional states, by means of spontaneous, automatic drawings on canvas.

The artist covers the canvas with wide, energetic strokes, "splashing out" streams of "freely flowing color". The main problem, solved by the artist is parity of colors. All else is relevant, including the painting itself, and makes sense only as a recollection of the creative process, left on canvas... The curator of the project is the owner of the galley, art critic Valentine Ryabov.
The collection can be seen at "The Wall Street Bar" on Volkhonka street 9-1.