A friendly encounter with Deputy General Director of The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow), Doctor of Art, Member of the Russian Academy of Arts Andrey Tolstoy took place at Sergey Fedotov's workshop. It's necessary to note that Andrey Tolstoy is the author of the introductory essay to the first album of the artist, that was published in 2011. Over 18 months have passed since that day. Today, having been appraised by the art critique, Sergey Fedotov is a well known painter in Russia and abroad. Some time ago Sergey decided to write a portrait of Andrey Tolstoy. Later the painting was published in the second album of the the artists artworks. And only now the master decided to show the portrait to the one who was depicted on it. As it turned out, the painting wasn't covered with varnish, maybe to have a chance to rewrite it if it wasn't approved. But there was no need for for that. The painting made a strong impression on the guest. It was covered with varnish and by an old Russian tradition everyone sat down for a cup of tea. In a time that the participants of the tea party haven't seen each other, Sergey made many new paintings, many new projects and plans originated. And they all demanded discussion. And at the end of the evening the guest was in for a surprise. Sergey Fedotov presented the portrait to Mr. Tolstoy. The evening ended with a friendly autograph session and a joint photo-installation with Sergey Fedotov and Andrey Tolstoy "Red and Black". Valentine Ryabov joined the evening.

"Red and Black"

Sergey Fedotov, Valentine Ryabov, Andrey Tolstoy
