Winter landscapes and still life paintings of Russian artists are becoming increasingly popular gifts in China. Moreover, Chinese art lovers perceive paintings not only as an elegant thing to decorate an apartment, but also as an investment. Gift includes not only a canvas itself, but also an official document on the transfer of its exclusive copyright, Xinhua reports.
According to observations of Chinese journalists, demand for paintings by Russian artists grows in Harbin, which was founded by Russians, and cities in the South of the country. Intermediaries between artists and buyers are galleries. In most of the large exhibition halls of Chinese cities, one can find canvases by Russian painters, including People's artists of Russian Federation. According to the author of the article, artworks of teachers and graduates of the Saint Petersburg Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after Repin are in special demand in China.
The most popular are winter landscapes, still lifes and horse paintings. Chinese collectors order paintings from Russian artists pretty often. The number of acquisitions increased sharply before the New Year. Tendency to buy paintings along with legally authenticated copyright has become widespread. This will allow to sell the canvas at a better price in the future if necessary, and to protect it from exact copies sales on the part of authors and galleries.