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Installation of Sergey Fedotov’s paintings at the opening ceremony of the Savvinskaya Art Center (Mo

A new art center was opened on Savvinskaya 23, bld.1 in Moscow. The initiator of this idea was our friend, architect, photographer and businessman Alexey Lubimkin. He invited to join this project a number of Moscow galleries, art studios and art boutiques. In a shortest time possible concrete walls and empty spaces turned into exhibition halls with a unified architectural concept and stile. The organizers had the desire to hold a very colorful event. That is why they made the decision to turn to the artworks of a Moscow artist Sergey Fedotov. The inimitable expression of Sergey’s canvases has made a sensation in the art community, especially now, after his triumphal tour in the USA. Professional interest of experts in Russia as well as in the USA generates investment demand for his paintings. The Valentine Ryabov Gallery, as the artists’ agent and his sole representative in Russia and abroad, after consulting with him, agreed to the proposition. The main condition of our participation was that our exhibition would be in the central hall of the art center, where the main presentation events were to be held. This spacious and luminous hall with high ceilings and good lighting was perfect for the scaled colorful and textural paintings of Sergey Fedotov. Alexey Lubimkin, a man with subtle artistic taste, had nothing against it. In two days the Valentine Ryabov Gallery team mounted the exposition, which became a true hit of the event. 25 paintings, created during the past few years, turned the premises into a live, breathing with expression space, and the installation of over 300 kilograms of used paint tubes, smoothly falling down from the TV screen to the base of a wooden container, symbolized the endless flow of color, coming from the TV screen that translated in a non-stop mode the process of creation by Sergey Fedotov of his paintings. At the designated time the guests gathered in the exhibition hall, drinking Champaign, and admiring the paintings accompanied by live jazz. And practically no one of the guests (except the few informed) suspected, that they were in for a surprise. Sergey Fedotov was in the hall. According to the scenario all lovers of the artists’ works, received an album of his reproductions with the masters’ autograph. The autograph session began right after the official opening and presentation of the artist by the owner of the gallery Valentine Ryabov. It took over an hour to give out 100 colorful albums to the guests, whose number was much bigger than we anticipated. At 11 p.m. the guests reluctantly started to leave, still under the impression from what they saw. We are certain that many people have made a genuine firsthand discovery of abstract expressionism!


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